Place & Space
The Bauhaus-Archive / Museum für Gestaltung as an external learning space for students from the grund_schule der künste of Berlin University of the Arts
What do the concepts of space and place encompass? How do we perceive spaces? How do we create spaces? What spaces do we need (to learn)? How do we design environments for learning? Students of Berlin University of the Arts asked themselves these questions in the context of a seminar run in cooperation with the Bauhaus-Archive / Museum für Gestaltung.

The grund_schule der künste
While studying for a master's degree within the framework of the teaching and research model grund_schule der künste – an educational space at the interface between university, school, and art institution – students training to be art teachers at Berlin University of the Arts concerned themselves with the design of learning environments. On the four days of a block seminar in July 2017 they examined the concepts of "place" and "space" using the concrete example of the two very different sites of learning, museum and university. They tried out methods of aesthetic research into the context of spatial perception and the experience of space, enquired artistically into interior and exterior spaces, and analysed designed and undesigned learning environments. They visualized spaces for thought, realized experiences of space using language, became familiar with methods of space creation, explored connections between way and place, material and space, and reflected on their observations and insights. The seminar "Place and Space" took place alternately in the Bauhaus-Archive / Museum für Gestaltung and the grund_schule der künste.

Students of the grund_schule der künste at Berlin University of the Arts, seminar "Place and Space in the Context of Arts and Education"
Gabriele Sagasser (deputy head of Carl-Kraemer-Schule), appointed teacher at the grund_schule der künste for the seminar "Place and Space in the Context of Arts and Education"
Kirsten Winderlich, Dr. phil., university professor in aesthetic education in childhood affiliated to the grund_schule der künste at Berlin University of the Arts
1st, 2nd and 15th/16th July 2017
Friederike Holländer / Bauhaus Agent
Future Prospects
The seminar made it possible to sound out possibilities of cooperation between museum, school and university in respect to the development of a long-term project by the Carl-Kraemer-Schule. In the context of the Bauhaus Agents Programme, a curriculum is to be developed for an "Elementary School of Design", and the experiences and results of the seminar will flow into this.
(FH 2017)