Research projects
Research findings: bauhaus100
Many new insights about the Bauhaus were brought to light both nationally and internationally in the scope of the Bauhaus centenary. The stated goal of the Bauhaus Kooperation is to safeguard, systematise and archive this information in the form of a knowledge database. If you have contributed to new insights as a researcher or curator, please contact us.
Contact person: Dr. Regina Bittner
Institution: Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau
e-mail: bittner(at)
Research findings: bauhaus imaginista
The international exhibition project ‘bauhaus imaginista’ (2018–2109) explored and discussed postcolonial perspectives of the Bauhaus with partners in eight countries.
The fourth and final chapter, ‘Still Undead’, investigates the experimental use of a range of new media at the Bauhaus in photography and film, with kinetic sculptures, visual devices and sound experiments.

The constant international interest in this project speaks for strong international partnerships, as well as the necessity to locate Bauhaus Modernity on a global scale today.
Marion von Osten and Grant Watson, curators of bauhaus imaginista
Research findings: ‘The Matter of Data’ project
The project ‘The Matter of Data’ questions the political dimension of the term ‘Bauhaus Modernism’ and investigates the complex modern history of exile and flight from Germany to Palestine in the 1930s.