Appointed directors
Konrad Fickelscher, head of administration Bauhaus Archiv e.V. / Museum für Gestaltung, Berlin
Dr. Thomas Leßmann, head of administration Klassik Stiftung Weimar
Holger Lemme, head of administration Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau
The Bauhaus Kooperation will be represented in 2023 by Holger Lemme.
Bauhaus-Archiv e.V. / Museum für Gestaltung, Berlin
Klingelhöferstraße 14
10785 Berlin
Tel +49 (0)30 / 25 40 020
Bauhaus Dessau Foundation
Gropiusallee 38
06846 Dessau-Roßlau
Tel +49 (0)340 / 65 08 250
Klassik Stiftung Weimar
99423 Weimar
Tel +49 (0)3643 / 54 50
Responsible for content according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV:
Bauhaus Kooperation Berlin Dessau Weimar gGmbH
Bauhaus Kooperation Berlin Dessau Weimar gGmbH
Office: Dessau-Roßlau c/o Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau,
Finance Authority Dessau-Roßlau, Tax ID 114/108/90064
HRB 21748 (Register of companies Stendal)
Hereinafter referred to as Bauhaus Kooperation
Concept, design and programming:
Sudhausweg 9
01099 Dresden
Gesine Bahr (GB)
Roland Benedikter (RB)
Dorothea Bethke (DB)
Ben Buschfeld (BB)
Linn Burchert (LB)
Andrea Brandis (AB)
Bazon Brock (BBr)
Alexander Davidson (AD)
Dorothea Deschermeier (DD)
Yvonne von Dühren (YD)
Magdalena Droste (MD)
Anja Edelmann (AE)
Franziska Eidner (FE)
Silke Feldhoff (SF)
Tanja Fiedler (TF)
Nicolas Flessa (NF)
Ruth Freimann (RF)
Sophia Gröschke (SG)
Cosima M. Grohmann (CG)
Anja Guttenberger (AG)
Anja Groten (AGr)
Gerhard Haase-Hindenberg (GHH)
Gregor Harbusch (GH)
Sandra Hofmeister (SH)
Friederike Holländer (FH)
Annegret Horstmann (AH)
Burckhard Kieselbach (BK)
Marte Kräher (MK)
Kirsten Küppers (KK)
Kascha Lemke (KL)
Rolf Mauer (HM)
Torsten Meise (TM)
Katharina Metz (KM)
Antonija Mlikota (AM)
Don Norman (DN)
Nicole Opel (NO)
Özlem Özdemir (ÖÖ)
Vikramāditya Prakāsh (VP)
Signe Pierce (SP)
Laura Raber (LR)
Cordula Rau (CR)
Rathna Ramanathan (RR)
Joseph Rustom (RF)
Saskia Sassen (SSa)
Andreas Schäfer (ASc)
Katrin Schenk (KS)
Anne Schneider (AS)
Michael Siebenbrodt (MS)
Johannes Siebler (JS)
Michael Sorkin (MS)
Valerie Stephani (VS)
Iris Ströbel (IS)
Anja Vatter (AV)
Peter Wagner (PW)
Koon Wee (KW)
Silke Wallstein (SW)
Astrid Winterfeld (AW)
Ann-Marie Wrange (AWr)
James Goff (JG)
Rachel Hinterthan-Nizan (RHN)
David Koralek (DK)
Agentur TextKing (TK)
Textbüro Reul (TR)
Michael Robertson (MR)
Dr. Katherine Vanovitch (KV)
Rebecca Williams (RW)
Picture credits and copyrights
We would like to thank all artists and copyright holders for the permission to use the visual material.
The providers and editorial office endeavour to identify all copyright holders. Persons and institutions who may not have been identified are requested to contact us.
The internet presence of has been revised. From July 2016 to July 2020 the content was available at the successive website under After the end of the anniversary year, the content was transferred to This applies to content which is protected by copyright. Permissions have been reassigned.
Much of the content on, for example images, texts, graphics and sound, video and animation data are subject to copyright law and other legislation for the protection of intellectual property. Please note that some of the pages on the website also contain images, the copyrights for which are held by those who have made them available. Downloading or printing these materials is permitted exclusively for personal use. Their use for any other purpose, especially for commercial exploitation or distribution, is not permitted and requires prior written consent.
The sole exception in the framework of the regulations of copyright laws is the text and image material published in the “Press” section, which is made available by the Bauhaus Cooperation Berlin Dessau Weimar gGmbH exclusively for the given report. The Bauhaus Cooperation shall not be liable for the claims of third parties.
Credits homepage (the slideshows are presented in random order)
Liability / Disclaimer
The Bauhaus Cooperation endeavours to ensure that the content of this website is correct and up to date. Nonetheless, errors and ambiguities cannot be completely ruled out. The Bauhaus Cooperation therefore assumes no liability for the currency, accuracy, completeness or quality of the information provided. Users utilise the content of this website at their own risk.
All offers are subject to change and non-binding. The Bauhaus Cooperation reserves the right to change, enhance, delete or temporarily or permanently discontinue parts of the website or whole pages without prior notice.
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The copyright law applies to all content, including the layout of the website. The Bauhaus Cooperation endeavours to observe the copyrights for all images, graphics, sound documents, video sequences, texts and other designs on this website and to identify these with a copyright mark.
All logos or trademarks utilised on this website are protected by copyright and may not be used without the permission of the copyright holder. All content marked with the copyright of the Bauhaus Cooperation shall remain solely with the Bauhaus Cooperation. The use or reproduction of this content in any form is not permitted without express prior consent from the Bauhaus Cooperation.