Form Laboratory Gerhard Marcks
An interactive Exhibition Space
How can an exhibition encourage interaction? How would young people design an exhibition? In this workshop, pupils from Erfurt's Walter-Gropius Schule developed a form laboratory as part of the exhibition "Paths from the Bauhaus – Gerhard Marcks and his Circle of Friends".

Erfurter Walter-Gropius Schule
Artistic supervision
Roy Müller / Designer and media architect
Valerie Stephani / Bauhaus Agent
Experimenting and designing
Pupils from Erfurt's Walter-Gropius-Schule conceived an interactive communication space for the special exhibition "Paths from the Bauhaus – Gerhard Marcks and his Circle of Friends" in the Neues Museum Weimar (17th August to 5th November 2017). They then realized their ideas professionally together with exhibition designer Roy Müller. As a source of inspiration they applied the work of Bauhaus member Gerhard Marcks, who was responsible for setting up the workshops – in particular the ceramics workshop – as a form master at the Bauhaus Weimar. What came about is a laboratory inviting all visitors to experiment and explore things. In this way, visitors of the exhibition have an opportunity to gain insight into the artist's life and can also be creative themselves.