Fieger interactive!
Interaction in the Exhibition
In an interactive section of the exhibition "Carl Fieger. From Bauhaus to Bauakademie" visitors can assemble or recombine various of the architect's house types using the construction kit principle. New, fantastic buildings are created from modular building components and then transposed into a large, digital urban landscape. By means of sensors and cameras, visitors can also immerse themselves into the scenario and make alterations.

Fieger Construction Kit
Carl Fieger was not only Walter Gropius' right-hand man for many years. As an architect he also made a definitive contribution to new standards in housing construction. The exhibition in the Bauhaus Dessau is dedicated to to this excellent designer and architect's more than 40 years of creative production, which encompassed e.g. the GDR's first prefabricated buildings.
The exhibition visitors encounter types and modules developed by Fieger not only in the shape of original drawings and models. Using the interactive "Fieger Construction Kit", which the Dessau-based Bauhaus Agents have developed, Fieger's building components become elements for totally new architectures and urban landscapes. By trying things out for themselves and experimenting, visitors can develop individual solutions.

Artistic supervision
March to October 2018
Tabea Kießling and Philine Sollmann / Bauhaus Agents
How can something unique emerge from standardized individual parts?
The Fieger Construction Kit was an interactive offer (22.03.-31.10.2018), which appealed to visitors regardless of any previous knowledge and also provided points of access for a wide range of age groups. It was developed by Dessau's Bauhaus Agents Tabea Kießling and Philine Sollmann together with BadaboomBerlin. The latter duo is famous for its playful interactive installations. BadaboomBerlin combine analogue creations with digital media in order to turn observers into active participants and designers. This approach also forms the foundation for the realization of the "FiegerConstruction Kit".
Visitors were able to reassemble and combine parts of the Fieger Construction Kit in new ways – in a process that is entirely analogue, using their own hands. The newly emerging buildings were then transposed into a digital cityscape. By means of sensors and cameras, the architects could immerse themselves in the scenario and so designed their own city.
(LR 2018)