sharing bauhaus
An investigation of the digital sphere
We venture into an experiment: What if the Bauhaus was founded in 2019, rather than 1919? Wouldn’t it have set up a workshop to investigate the digital sphere? What are the right tools, the right exercises to learn about this digital material through experimentation and research so that, with its help, people’s lives might be shaped in a way that does justice to the Bauhaus’s socio-political concerns? And how would these questions have changed, evolved, even been reduced to absurdity, in light of the digital revolution?
‘sharing bauhaus’ commits itself to transporting collective research, as it was undertaken at the Bauhaus for the purposes of education, into the present. Our aim in doing so is to raise awareness of experimentation as a space for the learning experience. Conceived as a digital workshop, we do not fill a physical space with computers or have a lab in which people meet in analogue life to investigate the digital world. The digital workshop of ‘sharing bauhaus’ is a virtual space, itself part of the object it investigates and shapes. The name of the website, ‘Bauhaus machen’ (Making Bauhaus) not only serves as a leitmotif for our endeavour to initiate real experiences; it is also to be interpreted as a mission to question and amplify our understanding of the Bauhaus.

Today’s Bauhauslers
The new media attract more (usually young) people to educate themselves through play and experimentation than virtually any other field. It is equally true that the acquisition of skills in dealing with digital technologies calls for a knowledge transfer that forges contact between experiences and skill sets and makes learning a reciprocal endeavour. Where, how and from whom do the designers of the digital sphere acquire their skills? And what role does expertise play in an era that increasingly demands that we become the designers of our own lives?
‘sharing bauhaus’ reflects the fact that, 100 years after the founding of the Bauhaus, the boundary between master and student has become blurred. In our digital workshop, these historical labels are broken down into situational roles that can be adopted depending on the context, subject or medium without resorting to a fixed categorisation or even hierarchy that would extend beyond the act of the experiment of the moment.

Digital realities
With this in mind, we invited an international group of designers, researchers and artists to make a start and share their individual learning experiences with a global audience in the form of experimental tutorials. The aim is to create imaginative spheres that question and critically enhance our understanding of digital realities.
Curious? Then visit our social media channels: True to our name, all the activities of ‘sharing bauhaus’ are found on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. We look forward to your visit and welcome your active participation using the hashtag #sharingbauhaus!