St. Mary in the Moon
Lothar Schreyer, 1923
The figurine shows the protagonist "Maria im Mond" (St. Mary in the Moon) of Schreyer’s stage play "Mondspiel" (Moon Play), which incorporated elements of traditional images of the Virgin Mary in its design.

The figurine shows the protagonist "Maria im Mond" (St. Mary in the Moon) of Schreyer’s stage play "Mondspiel" (Moon Play), which incorporated elements of traditional images of the Virgin Mary in its design. The body of the actress playing Maria, as well as that of the second actor, the “dancer with the dance shield”, was to be covered by a larger than life-sized full-body mask. The plan was to premiere the Mondspiel during the Bauhaus week of 1923. However, the Bauhaus students protested against the play, which had no plot, little movement and was entirely based on the generation of aural stimuli. In response, Schreyer resigned from his post as the director of the stage workshop.
- Literature:
- Bestgen, Ulrike (2009): Unser Spiel – Unser Fest – Unsere Arbeit. Bühne, Fest und Spiel am frühen Bauhaus, in: Ackermann, Ute & Ulrike Bestgen (Hg.): Das Bauhaus kommt aus Weimar, Berlin, München, S. 144–179;
- Vogelsang, Bernd (1994): Lothar Schreyer und das Scheitern der Weimarer Bauhausbühne, in: v. Bothe, Rolf et al. (Hg.): Das frühe Bauhaus und Johannes Itten, Ostfildern-Ruit, S. 321–363.