Explore the avant-garde

Tour 3

The modern metropolis reimagined: experience the state capital Stuttgart and its famous Weissenhof estate with the museum in the Le Corbusier house. From here we continue to Ulm, where you can look forward to two examples of modern university architecture with the university and the HfG. In Karlsruhe, take in the Dammerstock housing estate, an impressive example of Walter Gropius' ribbon constructions (Zeilenbauweise). The route can be rounded off in culinary fashion with a visit to the Kreutzenberger winery in Kindenheim.

Tillmann Franzen, tillmannfranzen.com, F.L.C. / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2018
Weissenhofsiedlung (1927), Architekten / architects: Le Corbusier, Pierre Jeanneret

Tour 3

3 days

Stuttgart, Ulm and Karlsruhe

Travel type:
on foot, rail, bus, bike, car

The tour outlined here is a suggestion for a self-organised trip and cannot be booked as an package via the Bauhaus Cooperation Berlin Dessau Weimar or the state tourism agencies.

Day 1: The modern metropolis reconceived

  • Travel to Stuttgart
  • Guided walking tour of the Weissenhof Estate with visit to the Weissenhofmuseum im Haus Le Corbusier
  • Afternoon visit to the collection and the special exhibition at Staatsgalerie Stuttgart
  • Overnight stay in Stuttgart

Day 2: Visiting the School of Design

  • Morning: travel to the former Hochschule für Gestaltung in Ulm
  • Tour of the academy with visit to an exhibition of the HfG archive
  • Walking tour of the medieval old town with its familiar fishermen’s quarter
  • Return trip to Stuttgart
  • Evening: optional visit to a music or theatre performance
  • Overnight stay in Stuttgart

Optional programme components in Ulm

Day 3: Forward-thinking housing

  • After breakfast: travel to Karlsruhe
  • Guided walking tour of the Dammerstock Estate
  • Afternoon visit to the ZKM Center for Art and Media or the Kunsthalle Karlsruhe
  • Return travel

Optional programme components in Karlsruhe

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