A Cause for Celebration!
5 years Bauhaus Kooperation
The Bauhaus Kooperation Berlin Dessau Weimar gGmbH has already existed for five years. The Bauhaus Kooperation is a joint venture of the three Bauhaus institutions in Berlin, Dessau, and Weimar that hold the most extensive collections.
5 years Bauhaus Kooperation
The Bauhaus Kooperation comprises three Bauhaus institutions, the Bauhaus-Archiv / Museum für Gestaltung, Berlin, the Bauhaus Foundation Dessau, and the Klassik Stiftung Weimar. They jointly dedicate themselves to research and exhibition projects that are superordinate at the national and international levels. The Bauhaus Kooperation and all three of its component institutions are behind the projects “Bauhaus Agents”, “Bauhaus Imaginista”, “Opening Festival”, and “Grand Tour of Modernism” for the 2019 centenary.
Special highlights included the grand opening festival in January 2019 in Berlin and the opening of the two museums in Dessau and Weimar.
The Bauhaus Kooperation as a non-profit organisation will also realise multi-institution projects beyond 2020. We wish everyone involved every success with the projects over the next five years!