Bauhaus Chess Set (Model XVI)
Josef Hartwig, 1924

Bauhaus-Schachspiel (Modell XVI), Autor: Josef Hartwig, 1924.
[Translate to English:] text
Josef Hartwig‘s chess set (Model XVI) fulfilled Walter Gropius’s requirement that an object must be practical, durable, inexpensive and beautiful. Hartwig, master of works at the Weimar wood and stone sculpture workshop, reduced the forms of his chess set to crosses, squares and circles, which consistently demonstrate the playing direction of the figures.
- Literature:
- Bernhard, Peter (2009): Konstruktivismus und „Wesensforschung“ im Design. Das Bauhaus-Schachspiel, in: Modell Bauhaus, hg. v. Bauhaus-Archiv / Museum für Gestaltung, Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau und Klassik Stiftung Weimar, Ausstellungskatalog, Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz, S. 185ff.
- Bobzin, Anne / Weber, Klaus (2006): Das Bauhaus-Schachspiel von Josef Hartwig / The Bauhaus Chess Set by Josef Hartwig Berlin: Bauhaus-Archiv.