Colour Plan for Masters' Houses, Dessau
Alfred Arndt, 1926

Farbplan für die Außengestaltung der Meisterdoppelhäuser in Dessau, Alfred Arndt, 1926.
[Translate to English:] Text
The colour plan for the exterior of the Dessau Masters’ Houses shows the three houses designed by Walter Gropius’s architectural office from an unusual viewpoint, that is, from below. The colours of the façades are divided into the pale shades of yellow, grey and white and the strong hues of red and blue. Although Gropius did not accept Arndt’s colour selection, it was still significant for the New Architecture movement.
- Literature:
- Rehm, Robin (2009): Paradigma des Neuen Bauens. Die Dessauer Meisterhäuser, in: Modell Bauhaus, hg. v. Bauhaus-Archiv / Museum für Gestaltung, Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau und Klassik Stiftung Weimar, Ostfildern, S. 199ff.