Lady’s Dressing Table
Marcel Breuer, 1923
[Translate to English:] Text
This dressing table is a journeyman’s project by the designer Marcel Breuer, who later became famous for his tubular steel chairs. It is an interior design element for the prototype Haus am Horn of 1923. Although dressing tables are no longer popular, the modernity of this specimen lies in the functional reduction of its classic elements.
- Literature:
- Schöbe, Lutz (2009): „Befreites Kämmen“ am Frisiertisch der Moderne. Marcel Breuers Toilettentisch der Dame, in Modell Bauhaus, hg. v. Bauhaus-Archiv Berlin/Museum für Gestaltung, Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau und Klassik Stiftung Weimar, Ausstellungskatalog, Ostfildern, S. 161ff.