Van de Velde, Nietzsche and Modernism around 1900


Weimar, Museum Neues Weimar


06.04.2019 - 01.04.2024



The new permanent exhibition “Van de Velde, Nietzsche and Modernism around 1900” features outstanding international works of Realism, Impressionism and Jugendstil with numerous references to contemporary trends.

Based on the philosopher and cult figure Friedrich Nietzsche, the exhibition will present important works of early modernism in Weimar, including pieces by the Weimar Art School and prominent avant-gardists, e.g. Claude Monet and Max Beckmann, who enjoyed the support of Harry Graf Kessler. The exhibition will also present numerous functional and elegant works designed by Henry van de Velde.

A large museum workshop will offer regular and special programmes that invite visitors to actively explore exhibition themes related to handicrafts, such as bookbinding and woodworking.

The former Grand Ducal Museum was built in 1869 – one of the first museums in Germany. In 2019, the Neues Museum Weimar will become an integral part of the Quarter of Weimar Modernism centred around the bauhaus museum. In 2020, it will be joined by a Buchenwald Memorial exhibition on the subject of “forced labour” in the south wing of the “Gauforum”, and the House of the Weimar Republic on Theaterplatz.

More information


Museum Neues Weimar
Jorge-Semprún-Platz 5
99423 Weimar, Germany

Funding formula

The fixtures, furnishings and initial presentation at the bauhaus museum weimar and the Neues Museum Weimar are funded through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

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